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Director + Producer, Emilia Menocal

Executive Producer, Charlize Theron

"East of Havana" is the real deal. Directed by Jauretsi Saizarbitoria and Emilia Menocal, it's a nonfiction feature about young Cuban rappers exercising the artist's prerogative to tell the truth in a country that muzzles free speech.


-The New York Times

Produced, shot and co-directed feature length documentary East of Havana which was bought and distributed by Sony/BMG Films

Conceptualized and co-wrote storyline

Executive Produced by Academy Award Winner Charlize Theron

East of Havana was in competition at the SXSW Film Festival, the LA Film festival, Washington D.C. International Film Festival and the Edinburgh International Film Festival

Part of the documentary series on The Sundance Channel in 2008

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